
The stream of the wealth

The stream of the wealth

The stream of the wealth

The stream of the wealth –It is a powerful energy and the stream of abundance that fill a person and his energetic and his field. It’s an opening of the space of options and possibilities. It comes a deep understanding of our truly unlimited possibilities and that everything is actually available and possible, if we ourselves do not cover them with our fears, phobias and diffidence.

A God is our loving Father gives us everything with abundance. We must only trust Him and gratefully accept what He gives us. This acceptance goes through our reasonable and adequate actions, which are based on the deep trust in God.

Opening and activation of inner resources of a person, powerful earthly energies, fulfillment all energy structure and the field, the matrix directly works with the 3rd energy center, from which the energy goes to the 1st, 2nd, the 4th and the 5th centers. A person begins to stand firmly on his feet. Filling and opening, the 3rd energy center becomes the engine that pushes a person to act and at the same time it structures the space, like as a magnet to attract the possibilities and form the favorable moments. It calms the mind and mental noise, the wisdom starts to awaken, which is based not on the logic, but on the deep understanding of the very essence of what is happening.

Track duration:48:29
Track author:А. Dyakov, D. Voevodin
Conditions:Payment and Download

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