
Synergy – call to God.
An article-feedback of Julia Istomina.

Synergy – call to God.
An article-feedback of Julia Istomina

Synergy – as an energy tool for solving life problems. Internal conflict, generic problems, health, finding their way, the disclosure of internal potentials. It is important to remember that a man is an ecclesiastical creature, a part of God.

And when we come to this world, we are turned out to connect to our generic programs, and sometimes we consciously come to the certain families to explore a generic program in order to increase the level of development of this kind. These are serious tasks that are not always up to us, often people do not know how to properly explore such tasks.

Synergy is an excellent conductor in solving of generic problems.

When a man activates the matrix of Synergy, it begins to work to the whole genus both the living and deceased relatives. Synergy is the energy of the Saints, energy, given to us by God. It can’t do any harm, just only a deep healing on the Ecclesiastical and Physical level, work with DNA, working on the cellular level.

All the problems are from childhood are the common expression. Children are programmed up to yearly age. Up to 7 yeas a child is very sensitive and open, his mind and subconscious formed at this time. It is important During this period it is important that a child hears and sees, it is important internal atmosphere in the family. It is not always favorable for the child; all families are different and at this moment method Synergy is coming to help.

Turning on a track Synergy – the Source, the Trinity, the Virgin, Awareness to Life- instead of lullaby. You help your own child to clean from the negative programs, calm down, move out the fears, to strength the health and immunity. To prevent reversible effects and to give the opportunity to grow your child calm, health, without negative programs, what later reflect on his level of living and following generations.

Synergy gives the opportunity no only a child, but a grown up to relieve a brain and nervous system, which will avoid the stress, depresses and internal conflicts. A person is connected with the divine energy, awakens the ecclesiastical heart, a person becomes more balanced, balanced, able to make the right decisions, which later will have a beneficial effect on his life.

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Generic programs

It is important to remember that we early or later repeat the programs of our parents, and our parents from their parents. And here it is important how harmonious relations between our parents. These are generic programs. And the activation of these programs begins in the womb, when thin human bodies are formed.

That’s why it is very important, how a mother lives these 9 months. How she relates to herself to others, how she compresences the world around, and what atmosphere is surrounded her. One way to grow up and birth a healthy and a happy child is the therapy through Synergy. Energies of Synergy have a beneficial impact on the human psyche, balancing masculine and feminine.

Therapy with the assistance of Synergy

There is a channel between a child and God in a womb of mother. Being born, we forget about the Divine connection, there is an infringement, the physical body is tight, and blocks our internal memory, we do not remember and who we really are.

Energy of Matrix of Awaking to the Life gives a man the opportunity to establish and strengthen a relationship with GodЭ, to feel how unlimited and absolute love is. This opportunity to realize who we are in reality, opportunity to go your own way. That’s why the first months after birth are very important, the relationship to the world is formed. And what it will be depends on the family in which the baby grows.

It takes a little time and a child begins to grow up, begins to understand, who a father is, who a mother is. A mother is personification of all women. The image of mother forms the relationship to another women, the boys programs how they will communicate with women in the future.

It is a mirror image of her for a girl. Girls copies the behavior of their mother. A father is a personification of all men and relationship between parents in the family forms the future relationship and personal life of a child. A father for a girl is a guardian, giving the sense of security.

If there is a break in the family, and a father acts as a tyrant, then in the future in the adult age a girl will look for not full partner but a «daddy», because she will not have enough of the inner father. For a boy a father is a prototype of himself in the future. Those how a father behaves himself, leaves a mark on himself. All complexes, fears the son will realize in the life, if awareness of these generic problems comes to him.

It is worth remembering, that the role of any parent is to prepare your child for the adult and independent life. A child has to live alone in order to begin to solve the generic tasks.

It is the only opportunity to begin to change own programs. Especially if there are difficult relationship with parents. Of course, the beginning of independent of life has to be within the reasonable limits (a child should an adult is minimum). And since this time as usual starts the open conflicts, parents, mostly mothers are not ready to let go of their child, believing that without their care the child will disappear. Thereby limiting internal disclosure and suppressing self-confidence.

A child, or rather, a teenage must to learn to set boundaries, go his own way, and understand that parents have no right to influence the life of an adult. If a teenage has a conflict and misunderstanding with his parents, which is accompanied by aggression and resentment, he especially needs to stay with himself. To settle, to balance and begin to treat yourself and your parents with unconditional love, without resentment and guilt, dependence and condemnation.

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The method of Synergy helps to reveal and realize the inner conflict.

The method of Synergy here is like as a psychologist, which helps to reveal and realize the inner conflict. Synergy allows to Heal the heart space, the Energy of Saints helps to find inner and outer balance, brings the mind into a state of Awareness. Will help to remove programs of negative beliefs.

Synergy – call to God. An article-feedback of Julia Istomina

When negative programs are removed from the human field, new clear programs are built through Synergy, which carry the energies of Christ. Matrix of a man begins to transform and enormous changes begin to take place in life, which have the most beneficial effect on a person. The only way to remove the negative – replace it with positive. All components of the matrix change.

Try to apply to negative programs not either as a problem, but as a task, which you need to solve for the explore, like as a lesson, which you study and it will not happen any more. Exploring such programs is able to appear in a couple as crisis of family relations. Do not rush to break up such a relationship.

To work can and need in a couple, just only both want to keep the relationship, a family. Work in a couple allows to get rid of destructive programs and realize themselves as full-fledged adult personalities. This will make it possible to create a single healthy field filled with love and purity of the energy of the Saints, the Energy of Places of Power.

There will always be the Love, Understanding and Mutual Respect in such family. Children are born and grown up healthy and happy in such family. The laws of Universe and the laws of God are in such family.

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Synergy is an unique program of healing

Synergy is an unique sound matrix, which gives the opportunity to heal its genus, to heal yourself, to know yourself and takes the responsibility of your own life in your hands.

In modern society, people are disconnected from their roots, the channel of connection with ancestors is locked. But it is through this channel that people draw the energy of love, well-being, health, strength, prosperity. Our genus can be compared to a great powerful tree, but what will happen to it if it has no roots?

A tree will fight for its existence, but without connection with the ground, it will die. After all the life circle will be destroyed. The same happens with human Tree of Genus. The isolation of the ancestors leads to a miserable existence. All information of the Genus is written in genes at the DNA level and is transmitted from generation to generation.

If the pain, negative program of genus does not to heal, a negative program of the fate of subsequent generations switches on. Who, what is written on the genus, those such he lives. Therefore, when you solve your personal problems, look first for the root cause, not its consequence.

Remember also that the Female energies of the Genus are the energies of the Earth. The male energy of the Genus is the energy of God. And if a person has a broken connection with his ancestors, then he has disconnected channels of communication with his Genus. There is no connection neither with God, nor with Earth. A man is connected to other energetic channels, which are not familiar to his Genus. This is always the reason of different types of problems, that avalanche hit people.

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Practices of Synergy reconnect with Genus, Earth and God.

Practices of Synergy allows a man to reconnect with his Genus, Earth and God. Synergy disables the stranger energies, rehabilitates and heals the energetic channels of Genus. Grants relationship with God and sends roots to the Ground. There is a healing not only of the physical body, but also the destruction of foreign DNA programs that are inherited.

Synergy pushes the energy block in the field of the Genus and manifests itself in human life. At this point, there is awareness, a person sees the root cause and has the opportunity to realize and work, this is the very tool with which we change our reality.

Against this background not only the fate of a person changes, but the fate of Genus is changing. На фоне этого меняется не просто судьба человека, меняется судьба Рода. The relationship in the family, with relatives are improving, the flow of wealth and prosperity is opening, health is restored, diseases are leaving, the body is rejuvenated, the body and Soul are purified, the energy balance is restored, internal abilities develop, connection with God occurs, the heart space opens.

  • Synergy is the energy of Light.
  • Synergy is the energetic tool.
  • Synergy is a call to Good!

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