
Theological explanation of the
practical method of Synergy

Theological explanation of the
practical method of Synergy

The basis of the Mission in the modern world. Synergy is the teaching about the divine energies, it is the basis of Hesychasm, the mystical essence of Orthodox and all Christian teaching in general. And sadly, but mostly this teaching seemed out to be lost for the modern church.

Theological explanation of the practical method of Synergy

For a long time the sacrament was made from these energies, so much that nobody has stopped to understand, and what the Divine energies are, and how they work, how they are comprehended, how they flow in the body and what conditions they cause and what the practical use of them is?! According to Gregory Palamas: «Every Divine power and energy and power is God himself… Divine energies are the only way of knowledge of God, left to a human».

Ask the believers to give the feedback to these words and mostly cases there will not be direct answer. Energies have become not the sacrament. They are not available for the parishioners and with them God and his glace are not available also. Some priests say that the grace coming during the Holy Communion is the energy, but it is not so. Energy is not always the grace, – it can be murderous.

Such examples are described in the gospel, for example, the draining of the Fig tree by Christ, or the blinding of the Magus by the Holy Spirit, the murder of disciples who hid money. Hardly such an impact can be called blessed, but it is divine energy!

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The grace and the energy are not the same

The impact of energy is difficult to describe in words, but it can be seen or felt, what it is the same. This requires the special receiving organ, in Synergy it is a locus, mentioning about which is in the Scriptures and the writings of the Holy fathers of the Church.

«A man needs to have «receiving organ» in order to accept the variety of gifts of the Holy Spirit» (St. Мaximus the Confessor). The Lord himself calls it «eye» and «lamp» in the expression: «the lamp for the body is an eye, if your eye is pure, then your body will be clean» (LK.11:34).

Since the word «eye» is in singular here, it is not about the eyes – then He would say «eyes». The Holy Fathers called the mind the eye of the soul, that is the God-given practical mind. «Receiving organ», or «eye» – it’s all about the same mysterious organ, which is sometimes called the third eye, the center of vision, energy space in the center of the head. He is mentioned receiving the Holy Spirit in iconography. This is an energy projection of the gland of the epiphysis – a mysterious organ of happiness that regulates and balances all the systems of our body.

The main practical method of Synergy

It is the constant filing of the receiving organ and through it the filing of the whole body, an energy and physical transformation, the rejection of all external energies, the opening of the key of awareness. In fact, the awareness is the presence of Divine energy in the head, and it is the main key, energy should come inside us and from us into the outer space. If the receiving organ doesn’t work, energy passes by and its impact is minimal.

Why did Gregory Palamas say: « every Divine energy is God himself»? A man doesn’t fully connect with God without energy, and therefore he is not able to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and first of all, in the use, that is, synergy. After all, energy is action. Without energy the prayer becomes just a mechanically repeated set of words, without energy there is no divine presence in man, there is no Faith as the link with God. In fact, the absence of outgoing divine energy in man is the victory of dark forces and opposition of man to God.

The closure of an eye, the receiving organ – is caused by an illusory comprehension of the world, or charm, then inside the head there is a dark energy, consciously held by a person, and, therefore, does not transmit light. But there are other reasons, why the eye is not filed and at first it is the absence of the ecclesiastical culture and the commands of animal nature. Modern person needs support in this question, it is necessary to teach work with energy and connect with it. The same status and is associated with various diseases, both somatic and mental, and that is what the Lord says: «and if it (the eye) is evil, your body also is dark. » (LK.11:34).

The opening of the eye gives a person all variety of comprehension of the world of energies, which, in any case, will be expressed in awareness – the consciousness of Christ, filling our mind. This is the mind or the God-given mind – a practical tool of Synergy. There are no secrets for the Lord, and many of them necessary for the awareness are revealed to us.

The work of energy happens not only in the consciousness but on the all levels, the Lord told about this: «if your eye is clear, then your body is clear». The locus is that lamp, which He asked to light on: «let your loins be girded and lamps are burning». (Lk.12:35), indicating that the basis of the practice is partially (in marriage) or complete sexual abstinence, taken during fasting or monastic ascesis.

Accumulating in the eye, the energy passes through the body, causing a deep restructuring of all energy(mental) and following it- the physical body. During this restructuring, a student is experiencing amazing and quit unusual conditions of connecting with the divine energies, causing different, but sequential conditions – the stages of Synergy. These experiences are the path of understanding of the Divine energies or the knowledge of God.

Then this energy starts to come from a man to the space, influencing on this world, deifying him, executing the belief about the world through a man. This happens directly in the form of energy and works, that a man, full of this power, creates in the form of creative inspiration. This proceeding of the energy in the process of Synergy makes a person Godlike.

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The Holy Spirit comes from God the Son

The Holy Spirit comes from God the Son

According to Gregory Palamas, the Holy Spirit comes from God the Son in energy, not in the essence. Exactly this ambiguity in the proceeding of the Holy Spirit has become the reason of the dissent of two churches – Western and Eastern, which was in the time of living of Gregory Palamas. In the Symbol of Faith, we talk about the Holy Spirit – «who comes from the Father, worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son. In fact, this shift of one word leads to the dissent not only the church, but the two worlds – western and eastern. And this is not just a dogmatic mistake, it is based on the rejection by the Catholics of the acting principle of Faith – the energy. Of course, the Catholics are right, in their own way, – the Holy Spirit coms from the Son (Christ), but this proceeding comes from the energy, not from the essence, as he comes from God the Father. Why is this understanding so important?

The birth of the Holy Spirit from the Father is the sacrament out of our understanding, but the proceeding from the Son is available and possible to be repeated in the process of Synergy. Rejecting this possibility, the Catholics make the incarnated God unavailable, equating the manifested Christ to the unfathomable Father, and the practical process of deification of man is an incredible. But in the energy – the deification of a man is a natural process, it is a meaning, the content and aim of the Faith, what finally leads to the wisdom based on the god given mind and prophetic gift – as a special gift of the Holy Spirit. Exactly the question of deification of a man is the main in the debate of Gregory Palamas with Catholics. And it remains actual in our days.

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The deification of a man

The Holy Spirit can be fully perceived only by a man and it is the basis of transfiguration of the Soul and already from it outgoing energy, and there is energy, deifying the world, fulfilling the commandment: «through man is saved every creature. » This is the incarnation of Living God Trinity in a Man, for thus he is united with all His hypostases.

As well as Christ, who has indicated this possibility by his incarnation, is incarnated again through each of us. God the Father sends the Holy Spirit, as at once sent Him to the incarnated Christ, and through Him into the world. In this meaning each of us becomes like Christ. This is the practical basis of Synergy.

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