Alexandra Pakholko, Slavyansk in Kuban

How lovely your works are, the Lord…

I have visited again the seminar in the school Edinstvo the most wonderful way.

Everything on my way was ambiguous… there were a lot of Questions, doubts, searches, disappointments. I looked for support in the mentor, it seemed I have found, but at some point, I felt-stop, not at all! No more resonate. Doesn’t respond, can’t believe it… I thought that I had to do it by myself! As I can. The Lord will bring out… and confused even more. I wanted to throw all!! I couldn’t make a cosmic from myself space. But can you reverse the path of the soul? The soul was searching… and tossed again – where the truth was, where to go, what to rely on? …

It was not so easy for me to deal with religion. I believed in Saints, always have felt their support. But my soul could not accept more in the modern church. There were no tickles in my soul! And there were many attempts. And so, I wouldn’t have seen the sense of all these rituals if Dmitry didn’t take me to visit the Father Theodosius in Sakhray in March 2017… And he can do those other priests cannot guess… the same words, the same ritual, and suddenly the key turned and the door opened and go in the overhead… And light! … And the rays curl patterns, and the whole space sounds, sings about God… and confession… So much true love and warmth are in the words of the priest! You were thawing and how heavy the dirt of your own mistakes, falls, sins become in this beauty. After the first confession I cried 2 weeks. I can’t stop the tears, they were flowing at first from pain, then they simply flowed… «the Gift of tears» – I have laughed at myself…(Vodolazkina then has read, «the gift of tears» has opened at the end of Lavra’s life) Now I am looking for these energies in every temples.. I can’t find. I remember myself in Sakhray. It was Easter, the parishioners were singing, children were gently darting under the feet…angels… and It could not be naughty… And the Father of Theodosius – “Christ is risen! «What joy! » It comes straight from his heart, and you believe, and you delight … to tears! » Look around– everyone is with the tears… the Joy! And believe….

In the atmosphere of similar joy, we lived during this seminar… Why? Probably – soul woke up…. Also, it is kind of resurrection…

I was so happy to see th unusual people a strong, bright and very amazing!

…Sergey is our security! protection! It is so safe with him. He can break the nose to the uninvited guest if he tries to infringe on the calmness of the guests of the seminar…

…Anton. He is able to show you amazing trails on the mount, and he will melt the bathhouse, and if necessary-and in the pond gets wet – in order to receive the completely kaif!…

Sashka Ageeva. She is such fragile, gentle, but she is an example for many by the power of the spirit and the hardness of the chosen path.

…Kostya. He never leaves tired one on the road, not pass. He will pull everyone on his back on the mountain and he helps by the word.

…Miliya. She is a sunny woman of another faith. With what respect and reverence, she got acquainted with our Holy things, how patiently and courageously overcame 289 steps to the underground monastery in order to bow her head to the feat of the monks, who retired from the world in prayer for the human race. And what happy surprise was on her face after the sermon of the Father Gerasim: «we have the same, and parables are similar…» And then we walked together happily with her. The spring flowers were created by God for all, in a warm wind there is a breath of God – for all, the truths of the highest wisdom in the words of the sermon are true for all, and we women, pray about one, about one and the heart fills with joy, one hope – the Lord, guide my children, bless them, come to the wisdom, and do not forgive them, Lord… God is one…

…Vadim, Oxana, Luidmila, Elena, Igor, the guys are from the Belorussia, Alexandra and Svetlana … They are so amazingly beautiful, they are so different and so similar in their desire to understand themselves, to know God, to find their Service, their Mission, in their desire to give…to Family…to the World… to People…In salvation… Look into their eyes and see, here God lives…

And nature never ceased to amaze. There were snowflakes at night, the frost, it was a tale in the morning – the snowed valley and mountains were in the snow, by lunchtime the sun was shining

The first flowers were in the forest – hellebore, cyclamen, snowdrops… and the wood garlic!!!! How we all smelled by it!!!

We smiled – all spheres have worked with us: and the rain has been, the wind was blowing and we bogged down in the mud to the ankle and the sun was hot. And in the evening-there was a magic fire in the malocas… and what a bathhouse!!! Hot! Healing! And that there was no one mustachioed cockroach in the head to be left, and right from the steam room we jumped in the pond for frogs: – Stop to sleep the spring was in the yard!!!

God is not in the miracles! I saw him in the generosity of the owners, in the eyes of honorable people, I saw him in the care of a White … cat! he’s such done massage to all of us with its clawed paws, from head to toe goose bumps ran! I saw, felt with every cell the presence of God in the evening sessions, in the streams of light, in the flames of the fire, I felt his energies with all heart, which immediately became a large, filling my entire chest… These energies were so abundant That they could not fit in my head-save me, I’m a dandelion again!!! OH, we still do not know how to conduct them correctly! And it was so fantastic when Mentor is near and knows what to do. Let’s go till you don’t understand… Stomped! They panted, got stuck in the mud, stumbled over snags, but stomped!!! And one –there was a light in the head!!! Or were they miracles? Were so extraordinarily ordinary?

To be a mentor, to conduct the divine energies in the world is the blessing…Have taken a blessing – bless another one. So right, so according to the Creator. I saw that in this way the school Edinstvo was… 5 years ago it was my first initiation into the Cosmo and almost immediately in Synergy. Then it was called a co-task. I saw that not everything was smoothly at school, there were very difficult moments.…And now we don’t still understand and accept both in ourselves and in the life of the School, but – thank you Dima, sincerely thank for the example of Service, for the ability to take responsibility for the whole school, for the courage to lead so many people, punching the way and believing – to the truth! Thank you for not losing faith in your mission. Thank you for your example of fearlessness and the ability not to conform to the “social template” for the power of the spirit. For courage to live!

Making mistakes sometimes, but sincere to live! Thank you for your hard working to see energies, accept, to polish, to weave them into a pattern of matrices, to fill them with love, to explain their high meaning and to give-for Good! Salvation… Just learn to accept it! Not always… we’re stubborn… we are with our worn self, who knows how to turn on life, but I’m thankful that I happened to be witness to such a unique learning experience. And thanks to people for their light, for the amazingly interesting synthesis of our such different energies, different experience and different characters. …. And synthesis happened! Seminar was on one breathe; energy of all participants was so high!!!

Such happiness to feel the gratitude. Such happiness to believe at a moment that God loves me! So many happy moments gave me for these 5 days. And I am not alone… Thank you all!

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